Content that contains or contains links to nudity, pornography, adult content, sex, extreme violence, or foul language.
Content that condones, promotes, contains, or links to warez, cracks, hacks, their associated utilities, or other piracy-related information.
Content that has been promoted through the sending of unsolicited email (spamming) or mail fraud schemes.
Content that promotes or condones the sending of unsolicited email.
Content that permits the use of SecurityMinded servers to send or receive unsolicited bulk email ("spam").
Content that commits acts of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property infringement.
Content that is racist, or otherwise extremely offensive to others.
Sites that exploit images of children under 18 years of age.
Binary files, downloads, etc. that are not linked to an HTML page on the user's site.
Content that contains, links to, or participates in pyramid schemes, gambling, raffles, lotteries, and so forth.
Content that posts or discloses personal identification information or private information of individuals under the age of 13 or in connection with materials directed toward individuals under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent.
Content that provides, sells, or offers to sell the following: controlled substances, illegal drugs and drug contraband, alcohol, weapons, pirated materials, pornography or sexual products, programs to attack others, illegal goods, escort services, instructions on making, assembling, or obtaining illegal goods or weapons, information used to break copyright or trademark violations, to destroy others'property, or to harm any people or animals.
Content that takes part in, or allows any third party to take part in, the following: reverse engineering, reverse compiling or otherwise deriving the underlying source code or structure or sequence of the Technology; password cracking; altering copyright notices and attributes (unless permitted in writing by the author/owner); and such practices.